This weekend, we welcomed back the class of 1973 for their 50th reunion. We're excited to be a part of that reunion and give some of these returning alumni a tour of their High School. Thank you for visiting and sharing so many wonderful memories. Falcon spirit never dies!
about 1 year ago, Dan Eskesen
6 members of the graduating class of 1973
Today, during our Falcon period, Mrs. Strawderman is helping a small group of students improve their math skills.
about 1 year ago, Dan Eskesen
students sitting at a desk with a teacher
"Tear it down!" Students watch from a safe distance as the old playground is demolished in preparation for a much anticipated upgrade.
about 1 year ago, Traci Budd
This morning students in Mrs. Dunn's Spanish II class are working on duolingo this morning. If you notice Terra is sitting in the good chair cause she was the leader on the leaderboard last week.
about 1 year ago, Dan Eskesen
students doing duolingo in Spanish class
Happy Friday Falcons!
about 1 year ago, Drew Kyle
pos quote
In our elementary building, we have so many fine examples of siblings looking out for one another. Kevin and Cole took a few minutes to check in with each other today. Awesome!
about 1 year ago, Traci Budd
Mrs. Rounsville’s class has been learning about the life cycle of a butterfly. Today our chrysalis changed into a butterfly
about 1 year ago, Drew Kyle
Our new chorus teacher, Mrs Watson is instructing our JH chorus and going over their music. We're excited to have her on our team.
about 1 year ago, Dan Eskesen
Chorus Teacher reviewing music with JH chorus
Mrs. Kosa’s class learned the poem Friend of Mine and worked on writing our friends names in our poetry journals.
about 1 year ago, Drew Kyle
Happy Thursday Falcons!
about 1 year ago, Drew Kyle
pos quote
Teamwork! Mr. Cressley’s students had to work together to transport a trampoline. They maneuvered the doorways and halls like pros!
about 1 year ago, Drew Kyle
It is a great day for a great day Falcons!
about 1 year ago, Drew Kyle
great things never came from comfort zones
Mrs. Watson has her Pre-K kids moving and tapping to the beat!
about 1 year ago, Drew Kyle
If you are the parent of a 5th or 6th grader interested in joining band this year please make sure to check out the site below and get signed up!
about 1 year ago, Drew Kyle
important announcement
Today, I got to join Mr. Robinson's class as they learn about the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Good discussion around this topic.
about 1 year ago, Dan Eskesen
group of students in a classroom working on a paper
teacher teaching in front of his class.
Morning helpers and good buddies! Who could ask for more? Happy Tuesday, little Falcons!
about 1 year ago, Traci Budd
Good Buddies
Happy Tuesday Falcons. Let's make it a great week.
about 1 year ago, Drew Kyle
pos quote
The falcon energy is in the air! The little falcons got some recognition, the band sounds's Friday night lights in Coudy! GO FALCONS!!
about 1 year ago, Adam Lamber
Today during falcon pd, Mrs. Barber is helping two students with vocabulary.
about 1 year ago, Dan Eskesen
Mrs. Barber helping two students
Kayla from Childhood Hunger Outreach Program (CHOP) is at Coudersport to provide free food for our students. Thank you to our volunteer students who helped unload the van !!
about 1 year ago, Dan Eskesen
students loading a cart